
Crap Weather / Airport

Friday, April 7, 2006 - 09:03:20 am
(Posted Under: No Category)
I still can't believe the instantly cold snap since last Friday. Things haven't really heated up since then, and it seems a little weird. Although, this is the first April I've spent in Melbourne for two years, but still, it seems weird. On the other hand, this time of year reminds me a lot of this time last year, which is a cool thing, as I was gearing up to head out to Tempe. At this point last year I was actually in Tempe of course.

I went out the the airport last Friday to see off a collegue who was returning to Malyasia after a 3 month stay here working. I love going to the airport, so it was an opportunity that I was happy not to pass up.

Generally trips to Melbourne Airport are nostelgic about the last time I was there. Friday was an interesting experience. There was some nolstelgia, being that it 3 days shy of being a year since I was last there, headed for Arizona. In addition, there was the excitement that I was going to be back there in 40 odd days, well again to head out to Arizona. Pretty cool experience. It was also interesting how I remember being their last years so clearly, and was somewhat hard to believe it was a year ago.

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