
Almost A Month

(Add / View Comments) (0)Monday, May 30, 2005 - 10:30:21 pm
(Posted Under: Travel, Arizona Trip)
To continue on from the last post, it dawned on me writing it that I've almost been back home for a month - 4 calendar weeks tomorrow. It's really hard to believe. It seems like I've been back for a little while, but really doesn't seem like I've been back for the same amount of time I was there! This time a month ago I was asleep, soon to wake up to my last full day in Tempe. Bizarre!

Lean on me. Set me out. Ten tones of apathy, for a half gram of love.

Tempe Photos and New Photo Software

Tempe Photos are now online!

(Add / View Comments) (0)Monday, May 30, 2005 - 10:14:55 pm
(Posted Under: Travel, Arizona Trip, Development)
Finally, the complete set of my photos from the my trip to Arizona are online.

Tempe Photo Album.

On my return I'd created a couple of static HTML pages to show off the photos of the bands - something quick, to get stuff up. For the whole set of photos, I knew I'd need something better - no way I could sit there pumping out HTML for 1300+ photos. A couple days in, I started working on some code, to associate metadata with photos and pump out the pages dynamically. As with most things I do, it started out quite simple, and grew and grew. I've since enhanced it to the level where it can serve as an online photo gallery, with multiple albums, which support multiple pages. Pretty cool. I'm still working on it.

It would have been really cool to have written it pre going to Arizona, it would have made photos easier while I was over there. Of course, given how crazy work was leading up to my trip, there's no way it could have happened, even if I'd thought about it. But it would have been cool! I have it for next time.

Furthermore I've made a small enhancement to my blog - the ability to associate photos with a blog entry - as indicated with a camera icon (need to find a sexier one though) near the title of the blog. Another thing that would have been cool for while I was in Tempe. I've gone through and associated my new photo album pages with the relevent blog entries.

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