

(Add / View Comments) (0)Tuesday, May 10, 2005 - 09:28:17 am
(Posted Under: Music Music, Arizona Trip)
Too cool!

Last night I Katie and I were talking about the location of old Tempe bars, and I came across a web page that listed most hang outs in the Phoenix area, including the ones now deceast - including the Sun Club. Everyone knows was #1001, because of Dead Hot Workshop's album '1001' - named after the address of the Sun Club - the Sun Club on the front cover, the demolished Sun Club on the back cover. In anycase, the web page said that it was 1001 8th Street. Makes sense, I know where 8th Street is, Mayberry Studios is on it, and 1001 would be somewhere down that end - the photo in 1001 looks like that part of Tempe

Katie was driving past there today, and checked out where 1001 would be. As it turns out, the Sun Club once stood where Dos Gringos now is. It's really cool that we took photos of Dos Gringos at the last day, especially now based on the fact that it was the location of the Sun Club all those years ago!

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