
Did Somebody Order A Desert Oasis?

Oh Wait, That Was Me!

(Add / View Comments) (0)Saturday, May 26, 2012 - 09:36:55 pm
(Posted Under: La Hacienda)
It's been another busy day. More packing and taking loads to the house. Including Genevelyn, who, unlike us got to sleep at the new digs. You'd think she'd be impressed by that. She wasn't one bit. Our girl, she doesn't like change, that's for sure!

We did however get to have our first meal here tonight. No furniture, no appliances, so the dinner option was an obvious one - a party bucket outside sitting on the patio wall on TV trays.

It may be somewhat influenced by it being Memorial Day Weekend, but it's incredible how quiet the neighborhood is. And we had it pretty good at the apartment, and I never considered it to be "noisy" really. But this is a whole different thing all together. That, combined with sitting under a Palo Verde tree, looking at a saguaro, it kind of feels like we did get a place in Apache Junction - smack dab in the middle of Tempe without the hour commute.

The weather has also been incredible this weekend, especially for late May. Today was slightly warmer than yesterday, but not by much. Sitting on the patio towards sunset was just brilliant.

Which I guess brings me to the title of the blog entry. I snapped this just as night was falling. Yep, that's right! It wasn't easy leaving to go do more packing.


It's Official

(Add / View Comments) (0)Saturday, May 26, 2012 - 03:55:45 pm
(Posted Under: This Desert Life This Desert Life, La Hacienda)
Much has happened over the past two days, and I certainly don't have time to write about it right now.

But I did make a point to make things official today...

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