
D.I.Y T-Shirt Framing

The Vintage Long Wong's T-Shirt Rides Again - Finally!

Monday, October 11, 2010 - 04:43:17 pm
(Posted Under: Tempe Music Scene Tempe Music Scene)
Well, my old Long Wong's On Mill t-shirt has been out of rotation and in storage for - I don't know, close on 10 years, if not longer. Once a hole started in the shoulder, it was pretty quickly was removed from rotation. Sad, because it's undeniably such a cool t-shirt, and quite frankly, looked great on me. No, it really did. Back in the day, it and my Fizzy Fuzzy Big & Buzzy t-shirts just killed. Perfect fit, perfect color, just perfect t-shirts. The days those left rotation (both for the same reason) were sad days in rock 'n roll. Or fashion. Maybe both. [wink]

Pretty much ever since the Wong shirt was retired, I've had the intention of having it framed. For whatever reason, probably mostly my own craptaculence, it's taken this long to make it happen. But while frame shopping yesterday, one for the good old Long Wong's t-shirt was a must.

Let me say, I now understand why t-shirt framing is so expensive. Of all the things doing it yourself is, "fun" is not one of them. But if you're for something to make you want to stab yourself in the eye for a couple of hours, then I highly recommend it! [smile] It's absolutely frustrating as hell!

With that said, having this t-shirt framed looks is sweet. It could do with another try to get it looking a bit better, but this will do for the moment. There is only so much frustration I can (and should) inflict on myself in one day! [wink]
Now Playing: Jimmy Eat World - Coffee And Cigarettes

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