
Vampires Sleep Til Dust Mouth Rains

Tuesday, June 15, 2010 - 04:38:59 am
(Posted Under: This Desert Life This Desert Life, Web Development)
But not tonight. It's 4:30 and about 76 degrees (or 25 celsius) and I can't sleep. Well, that's the temperature outside (which sitting out here, is quite nice), inside it's well over that. After hours of tossing and turning I've given up on the sleep idea and opted to sit outside and catch up on some blogging. It's at least nice out here. I guess to some degree I'm getting used to the climate, because 75 actually feels quite mild! Which poses the question, am I going to turn into one of those people that bitch about how could it is when it's under 75? Y'know, the people otherwise known as Phoenicians? [smile]

This is probably the first time the climate has gotten me a bit crazy. Which on one hand is kinda cool, I've been living out here for 8 months now. On the other hand, it's not even technically summer yet. [smile] While it's nice at this hour, we're heading for 104 today. Maybe this is karma for all my bragging about the weather over the winter months! Ahhh, the Phoenix winter months... [smile]

In any case, I made some changes to Photobox recently to make it easy to copy and paste photo HTML tags into my blog, rather than construct them manually while blogging. It's the first time I've really put the functionalty to use, and I've got to say it's a god sent! I can't believe I hadn't coded that sort of functionality years ago, it certainly makes adding photos to blog entries a breeze.

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