
Google Alerts

(Add / View Comments) (0)Wednesday, April 21, 2010 - 05:53:26 pm
(Posted Under: No Category)
Speaking of Google Alerts, I got one yesterday containing the early Gin Blossoms video we put up on Lost Horizons last week.

It's been a week since we put that up, and the video is 9 views off being the most viewed video on my channel, quickly surpassing videos that have been up for almost a year. Am I surprised? Not that much. [wink]
Now Playing: Ghetto Cowgirl - Don't Care

Sand Rubies

(Add / View Comments) (0)Wednesday, April 21, 2010 - 04:15:31 pm
(Posted Under: Music Music)
Cool article in this week's New Times, which I just got a Google alert about:

The Sand Rubies Are Arizona's Ultimate Bad Luck Story

One of the more interesting articles in the New Times' music section in a while. I'm kind of a late comer to the Side Winders / Sand Rubies. I've always been somewhat interested if for nothing else, because of the whole Rich Hopkins and Dusted connection. My first real introduction to them musically was downloading a live show a couple of years ago. The fact that there music wasn't all that accessible (in terms of getting your hands on) is probably the only reason that I am a late comer. I certainly liked what I heard, and heard some sort of correlation to the Blossoms. Which is funny, that since hearing show I've on many occasions heard them referenced in the same breath as the Gin Blossoms, which I don't really remember happening 10 years ago. Even the above New Times article mentions it.

I've been kinda wanting to go to Saturday's gig, and reading the article makes me want to go a bit more. Saturday is such an overload of choices. There's that at the Sail Inn, Dead Hot at Teaks (our chosen destination), Muddy Violet and Tramps at Yucca (which we hope to catch some of) as it is. But given the whole Sail Inn thing, I'd almost rather road trip to Tucson for the gig down there.

In any case, while I really liked the article, I have to question the author on the title, surely the Gin Blossoms have to technically be Arizona's ultimate bad luck story. Well, then again, maybe that has little to do with luck.

Cool Change

(Add / View Comments) (0)Wednesday, April 21, 2010 - 04:07:35 pm
(Posted Under: No Category)
Today there has been cool change in Tempe, which has been quite welcomed. It's pretty early in spring and has already been quite warm for the past week.

I've never been one to appreciate cooler and overcast days. Actually, I've always been more so one to hate them. But I'm starting to find a new appreciation for them.

Of course, with that said, I'm still wearing shorts and a t-shirt. [smile]
Now Playing: Sand Rubies - We Don't Do That Anymore (03/19/1997 -Hole In The Wall, Austin, TX)

Some Say The Sex Is The Spoils Of War

Strange Young Things Videos From Saturday

(Add / View Comments) (0)Wednesday, April 21, 2010 - 11:37:43 am
(Posted Under: Tempe Music Scene Tempe Music Scene, Music Music, Live Shows)
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