
Los Guys @ Scottsdale Civic Center

(Add / View Comments) (0)Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 06:34:22 pm
(Posted Under: Tempe Music Scene Tempe Music Scene, Music Music, Live Shows)
With The Vig kinda being a drag lately, we opted to skip it, and go see Los Guys at the Scottsdale Civic Center instead. Which turned out to such a nice change for our Sunday afternoons. We didn't really get there until about 3, so we only caught an hour (which was fine). It was a really good day whether wise to be out.

Much like at Tempe Marketplace, the band was a hit with the young kids, many of them out there dancing along, with PC waving to many of them. Which goes to the coolness of PC and Los Guys - is a total bad ass and rocks Yucca, but can on a Sunday afternoon totally fit in with the family crowd and wave to the dancing kids.

It was nice to also hear some rarities like Hotel Defeated, Back To Zero that they don't seem to often play.

Being home long before the sun came down was another reason that it was nice to change up our regular Sunday afternoon.

Give Me Some Left Breast!

Glodies Birdthday Bash @ Yucca

(Add / View Comments) (0)Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 03:57:22 am
(Posted Under: Tempe Music Scene Tempe Music Scene, Music Music, Live Shows)
So, it was a crazy night at Yucca. I think that statement alone indicates that Strange Young Things played, for Glodies birthday bash.

It had it all, the regular rock n' roll debauchery that we know and love them for, Corey sliding around on the stage, singing at the bar and just generally being unable to stay on Yucca's stage. Throw in some unwelcome moshing, a near brawl and Adams quite enjoyable and stern lecture about how their are a rocking band, but not a band to mosh to (and threats of boots to the head to moshers), and you pretty much have the night! [smile] Enjoyable as hell, as always though! PC even took the stage for a rockin' AC/DC cover. It might have been at that point that I became part of the show, with Corey in the crowd, me being the target of one of those random Glodie embrasses while singing. It might have been one of their songs, I honestly don't remember. It's all rock n' roll though.

We tried to have a conversation with Emmett outside afterwards (who only yesterday we commented on how it's been forever since we've seen him), though it was equally crazy out there (car alarms going off, people taking face plants near the Circle K) - which was all enough to prompt Emmett to want to find Mark and leave, and us to do the same.

We'd showed up earlier in the night to try to give some of the other bands (who we're pretty sure we're not into) a chance, but Yucca was again ridiculously packed until What Laura Says was done. It was one of those times that left you anticipating the Yucca extension to be completed. It seems that's been true several times lately. It seemed that work was being done late into the night tonight, so hopefully it's not too far off.


In Case You Needed Any More Proof That Axl Rose Is A Dbag...

(Add / View Comments) (0)Sunday, January 24, 2010 - 12:27:45 am
(Posted Under: No Category)

Okay, so the article doesn't state that the order came from Axl, but really, does it need to? [wink]

It does however rais the question - what the hell would a Slash fan be doing at a GnR show?

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