
New Favorite Shelby James Song

(Add / View Comments) (0)Tuesday, November 17, 2009 - 06:12:19 pm
(Posted Under: Tempe Music Scene Tempe Music Scene, Music Music)
So I think my new favorite Shelby song is Leaving In The Morning.

We listened to the record on the way down to Rula Bula - it's probably the second time I've had a chance to listen to it since we got it two weeks ago. This one really stood out in the car.

We got to hear it twice last night. The first time by request by moi, where he wasn't sure whether he remembered it or not, but did a fine, fine version. Then played it again later in the night - which was fine by me. [wink]

Last night we got Downs On 9th in it's entirety, a whole bunch of the new ones, some repeated - I think particularly because we were there, and there for the whole night - 9:45ish till midnight - I'm sure we were a large reason why he wanted to keep the originals flowing.

By request for local covers he also had a go at Zub's I Wonder and Radio. Afterwards, chatting about some business he said he'd study up on those for us. Cool! The other fun part was when I asked if he knew any Dead Hot and he launched into this rockus vocal rendition of Push Luck Shove, before announcing that Dead Hot are too good to even cover. [smile] That may or may not be true, but it'd sure be cool to hear Shelby cover them.
Now Playing: Shelby James & The Crying Shames - Leaving In The Morning

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