
Dead Hot Sillyness

(Add / View Comments) (0)Saturday, February 2, 2008 - 09:48:55 pm
(Posted Under: Tempe Music Scene Tempe Music Scene)
The past few days have illustrated the hilarious silliness of members of Dead Hot Workshop, past and present.

Throughout the week, Steve Larson has been playing roving reporter, covering the Superbowl festivities from Scottsdale, and doing his best (successfully) to get himself on Channel 3. Quite funny, culminating in Steve breaking out his Elvis costume, and...wait for it...renting a Segway! Steve Larson, dressed up as Elvis, riding around the ESPN stands on a Segway! Hilarious.

If that wasn't good enough, Brent and Kylie Babb on Point Of Ventre yesterday was more or less a 3 hour laugh-a-ton. By the time they were talking about the idea of Rabbit Ambulance I was in absolute stitches. I'm not sure I've laughed so hard since the time at Yucca when Brent was telling of the adventures of Cat Man.

It never ceases to amaze me how you can't think of Dead Hot Workshop as anything but serious, yet, they're all hilarious.

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