
Impressive Sunset

(Add / View Comments) (0)PhotosTuesday, February 20, 2007 - 11:03:01 pm
(Posted Under: Photography)
Today was a long, but very enjoyable day with Katie attending orentation activities at the university. Notibly for lunch we headed over to the Prince Afred Hotel for lunch, which was Katie's first "pub" experience, which was quite enjoyable.

Photobox ImageThe orientation sessions ran late into the afternoon, and on the way backc to Flinders Street on the tram I noticed the potential for a great sunset over the Yarra. We'd actually planned to catch the train at Melbourne Central, yet the tram for some reason didn't stop. This worked out perfect, as Katie indulged me in walking down to the Yarra for my photo obsession, and suspecions were right - absolutely excellent sunset over the Yarra. As we rode the train home, dusk was equally impressive. It would have been nice to have been in the city to shoot this also, the whole idea of getting home after a 12 hour day was certainly prefered! [smile] And additionally for Katie, the awaiting pancakes, what with it being Shrove Tuesday and all, which she's been looking forward to for weeks.

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