
Do You Remember When Email Worked?

(Add / View Comments) (0)Tuesday, September 26, 2006 - 01:01:31 am
(Posted Under: Rants)
The only thing more annoying than spam, is the new wave of 'spam protection' that is completely fucking the whole email concept.

Top on my hitlist is Hotmail, the poor excuse of piece of shit that they call an email system! God forbid I actually use Hotmail, because I don't (other than for handing out an email address when I don't want to actually hand out an email address), but sadly I have to write to people who use Hotmail - or an account under the Hotmail system.

I've had a huge problem with that (in it not working) over the last couple of months, which I thought (although the problem didn't fully make technical sense) was somewhat related to Alphalink, and hence solved by the fact that I am now going through a different ISP. Wrong! Not that I'm convinced that the Alphalink factor didn't play into it at all, but I discovered tonight the inability to send email to myself at Hotmail with an email containing choice spam phrases (completely legitimately). This is to myself (from outside of Hotmail), with myself as a contact in Hotmail, and the Hotmail spam setting to exclusively allow email from contacts. The email didn't go into Junk Mail, it didn't even get delivered at all.

I don't care that it didn't get delivered to me - like I said, I'm hardly delusional enough to use my Hotmail address for anything important. However, I'm fucking sick and tired of sending email to people, with the expectation that it arrived, and it doesn't, without any notification. Similar was my disgust in finding my Alphalink email address deleting certain spam, without my explicit instruction to do so.

Fuck this shit, seriously. Can we go back to the days where inboxes were full of porn, viagra and penis enlargement adverts, and Nigerian bank schemes. It was annoying as all hell, but at least email worked! I'd take email working any day! And word up to anything that automatically deletes email - there's already something to accomplish your task - it's called the delete key. Seriously, can't we go back to using this and restore email to a functional medium?

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