
Stuck Outside Of Phoenix

(Add / View Comments) (0)Monday, July 11, 2005 - 07:32:59 pm
(Posted Under: Books, Arizona Arizona)
If you're stuck outside of Phoenix
I won't stop to kick your crutch
But I'll say that this was nowhere
And that might be saying too much.
I finished reading Stuck Outside Of Phoenix tonight. I'd first started reading the Buddy Edwards (The Refreshments) novel sitting in the plane at Sky Harbour Airport. As ironic as it might be to say, given that I started reading the novel waiting to fly out of Phoenix, leaving Phoenix by choice is crazy - refering to Hote (the character) and Buddy. You wouldn't catch me driving down Broadway Rd to escape Phoenix by choice. Especially given that one of the biggest reasons to stay in Phoenix is on Broadway Rd. [wink] Ahhhh, I miss Broadway.

In anycase, and enjoyable read, especially starting to read it sitting on the tarmac of Skyharbor most of the places in the book I'd spent the previously 30 days becoming acoustomed to. Broadway, Rosevolt, Mill, Papago Park, Richmond (Long Wongs). I definately can't imagine reading the book prior to being in Tempe. Well, I at least know it wouldn't have been half as good. Knowing the location of the story, and places thereof definately made reading it so good.

And obviously the recognisable local musicians in the characters, namely Digs (Doug Hopkins) was also really cool.

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